
My creative work encompasses hypertext and performance, deconstructing speech and writing by placing it in multimedia, coded ecosystems.

multimedia installation

Particularities is an experiment in communal interior monologue, assisted by technology. The work was produced using a sound-processing patch in Max/MSP, which communicates with a webpage that processes speech recognition and visuals. Audio is spoken into a microphone from a stage covered in reflective curtains, which the computer transcribes and records. Fragments of text flash on the screen, which also manipulates the computer’s webcam to display a pixelated silhouette of the speaker, processed through Javascript. In parallel, the computer continually selects random-access recordings, mangled through pitch and time manipulations until they sound like glitches, ghosts—or inner demons. A series of prompts cycle through the screen, alternately asking the participants to speak and questioning the nature of what they are actually doing.