
My creative work encompasses hypertext and performance, deconstructing speech and writing by placing it in multimedia, coded ecosystems.

Digital hypertext

“Z^k: A Zettelkablooey” explores the myths associated with knowledge management (and, of course, surveillance capitalism): the arms race of databases and analytics; the utter optimization and expansion of knowledge and technology without much regard for its purpose—as can be easily seen with the meteoric, largely uncontrolled rise of AI technology. The project is an exploded Zettelkasten—a “Zettelkablooey”—juxtaposing a fragmentary reading of Luhmann’s writings within an influx of content generated by ChatGPT. As the poem reaches towards coherence about what a Zettelkasten truly is—drawing on Luhmann’s insights into systems theory—the ChatGPT text invites alternate readings and chance-based interjections. It is a maze of linked and abbreviated ideas searching for coherence about itself, while that search only multiplies the glitches of the system.